News Peace Process

Troika calls for urgent implementation of R-ARCSS

Feb 22, 2021(Nyamilepedia) —Troika has raised concerns over the slow implementation of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS) over the past one year.

South Sudan President, Salva Kiir, right, and opposition leader Dr. Riek Machar, left, signing a preliminary peace deal in Khartoum, Sudan, (File/Supplied/Nyamilepedia)
South Sudan President, Salva Kiir, right, and opposition leader Dr. Riek Machar, left, signing a preliminary peace deal in Khartoum, Sudan, (photo: File/Supplied/Nyamilepedia)

While marking one-year anniversary of the formation of the Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity (RTGoNU), Troika said that there is an urgent need to implement R-ARCSS in full adding that it is critically important to form the State governments.

“Much work remains and there is an urgent need to implement R-ARCSS in full.  Progress made over the past year has been too slow and too limited.  Critically important is the immediate formation of State Governments and the re-constitution of the Transitional National Legislative Assembly and Council of States,” Troika said in a statement.

Troika (United States, United Kingdom and Norway) called for immediate reforms in the Transnational Security reforms. 

“Implementation of Transitional Security Arrangements and true security sector reform should commence immediately,” the statement continued.

The statement reiterated IGAD’s call to improve training centers and speeding up the graduation of Unified Forces.

“The Troika endorses and reiterates the call made by African Union and Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Ambassadors to improve conditions in training centers and accelerate the graduation and deployment of the Necessary Unified Force,” the statement read.

“We will continue to work closely with IGAD and the regional guarantors to reach common objectives on the peace process and an agreed roadmap for implementation,” the statement continued.

 The Troika also commended the efforts by the RTGoNU in implementing the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS), most notably the appointment of a unified Cabinet, Governors, and Deputy Governors in all states.

It welcomed the endorsement by the Council of Ministers on January 28 of a roadmap for implementing Chapter 5, including the establishment of the Hybrid Court for South Sudan; the Commission for Truth, Reconciliation and Healing; and the Compensation and Reparations Authority.

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