
Tag : Republic of South Sudan

Breaking News Latest News Politics South Sudan South Sudan news

Pope apologizes to South Sudan and Congo over procrastination of his Apostolic Visit.

A. Editor
Vatican, Rome June 14, 2022 — The Holy Father, Pope Francis, has reportedly conveyed his apology to the authorities of the Democratic Republic of Congo...
Breaking News Latest News Politics Press Release South Sudan South Sudan news

UJOSS conducts media meeting to discuss media challenges.

A. Editor
Juba, South Sudan March 10, 2022—The Union of Journalists of South Sudan (UJOSS) conducted a monthly breakfast meeting in Juba yesterday to improve relationships between...
Breaking News Latest News Politics South Sudan South Sudan news

Hon. Gatkuoth discussed Water Cooperation with Egyptian Counterpart in Cairo, Egypt.

A. Editor
Juba, South Sudan March 7, 2022 — South Sudan’s Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation, Hon. Manawa Peter Gatkuoth, has traveled to Arab Republic of...
Breaking News Latest News Politics Press Release South Sudan South Sudan news

Dr. John Garang University reopens after closing down for 2 years due to COVID-19 and shortage of food.

A. Editor
Juba, South Sudan January 31, 2022—The administration of Dr. John Garang Memorial University of Science and Technology in Jonglei state’s capital, Bor, has announced the...