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Compiled and posted by Nyamile!

  1. Never expose your X(s) on social media: – No matter how much it hurts to keep the secrets and respect!
  2. Never like you own status updates and comments: – No matter how much you would be tempted to believe that they are elegant.
  3. Never criticize individuals on gender, race, religion and social status: – No matter how childish, girlish and boyish they may seem.
  4. Never dig into people’s profiles (private lives): – No matter how charming or daunting their lives may seems, unless for a good cause and with consent.
  5. Never criticize individuals but their ideas or institutions: -No matter how nasty the individuals may seems.
  6. Never expect everyone to agree or like your idea(s): – No matter how obvious and simple they may seem. (I cope to agree with some of my own ideas, not out of complexity but curiosity!).
  7. Never(I) swear excessively with “f()k” and “sh_*_t” vocabularies (ops, those are Latin): – No matter how dreadful the unexpected may seems.
  8. Never judge and or admire individuals base on a single story, snap or their sizes: – No matter how pretty or nasty that single shot may seem.
  9. Never generalize ideas or people: – No matter how genuine the resemblance may seem.
  10. 10. Never please friends and commentators by telling them what they perceive and want to confirm instead of what you believe to be the actual world view (although it may not necessarily be it): – No matter how pleased they would be and/or fit you in their category!

Now, if you find yourself struggling with one or all of these principles, do you really have to swear or care? Obviously you would violate rule #7 but given rule #6 you would barely get away with almost anything, which is the notion of subjective relativism. Sadly, this  moral theory is (arguably) unworkable, however, kick it up and socialize!

The author is one of the chief editors of Nyamilepedia!

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